Fungus Infection- causes, symptoms and cures

  • ‘Yeast Infection’ is a disease caused by a fungus known as Yeast. Yeast cells is normally present in the vagina of a woman and it is also called Candida. The infection causes a disease known as ‘Vaginitis’ which occurs because of a particular cell called “Candida albicans”. ‘Vaginitis’ is a stage when the vagina is inflated and it can be caused by a number of factors. Yeast (Candida albicans) is the main cause for the disease and it is also caused by bacteria (Gonorrhea and Gardnerella), Protozoans (trichomonas). As the vagina is inflated during ‘ vaginitis’, it can also result in the inflammation of the ‘Vulva’. Vulva is the entrance of the vagina which includes the labia and clitoris.

What are the causes of yeast (fungus) infection

This infection is normally caused when the number of yeast cells starts increasing in the vagina due to imbalance of organism or when new yeast cells enters the vagina. The number of yeast cell can also be increased due to the consumption of antibiotics, injury to the inner vagina, weak immune system and to women who are suffering from diabetes, women who are pregnant. It is not a sexually transmitted infection but it can affect the male after intercourse with a woman who is suffering from the infection.

Symptoms & Cures of fungus  ‘Yeast Infection’

The symptoms of ‘yeast infection are painful urination, pain during intercourse, itching, redness, vaginal odor and sometimes women have a white, thick cottage cheese like, odorless discharge. As this infection is very painful and intolerable, it should be cured immediately. If the infection is at the initial stage then home remedies can be followed. You can buy anti-fungal creams, anti-fungal suppositories and anti-fungal tablets. If the infection is serious, then a doctor must be consulted immediately and it can be treated by oral medications. In this condition packaged food, processed food, sugar, yeast bread, etc. must be avoided.
Food consumed should be vegetables, seeds, nuts. Natural treatment can also be done by washing with warm water mixed with Grapefruit Seed Extract, cranberries, garlic, hydrogen peroxide, potassium sorbate, etc. Avoid wearing tight pants, wet clothes. Using natural method helps a lot as it can keep you
away from getting into severe condition.

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